International Active Women Association


IAWA History

In 1986, a few female business leaders took the initiative to set up the International Active Women Association, a non-profit organisation. They felt the need to share their experiences with other professionally activewomen and wanted to do so in a friendly atmosphere. In the early stages, the eight founding members each searched for potential members within their region. Our group soon went nation-wide, consisting of around 50 members. Today, we are active in both Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and in the German district. Meanwhile our group continued to grow and now boasts around 100 members.

IAWA committee

IAWA | Annie De Meurichy

Annie De Meurichy



IAWA | Catherine Derine

Catherine Derine

Treasurer / Accountant


IAWA | Chantal Bonduelle

Chantal Bonduelle



IAWA | Viviane Brel

Viviane Brel

 Travel & Communication


IAWA | Evelyne Demarche

Evelyne Demarche

 Wallonia activities


IAWA | Mieke Dhoore

Mieke Dhoore

 Former President


IAWA | Marie-Claire Gilot

Marie-Claire Gilot

 Brussels activities


IAWA | Daniele Koevoets

Daniele Koevoets

Flanders activities


IAWA | Jacqueline Leemans

Jacqueline Leemans



IAWA | Marie-France Vankueken

Marie-France Vankueken

 Public Relations & Networking

Become an IAWA member now

The basic requirement is that you have to practise a professional activity with a significant amount of responsibility. Not only your position, title or qualifications are relevant, but also your personality and drive in how you go about your work. Find out more about how to become an IAWA member here.
